The Utah Women & Politics PAC (UWP-PAC) was formed by a small group of Salt Lake City women who participated together in the Women’s March on Washington in January 2017.
Upon returning to Utah, we were determined to help change the face of the Utah State Legislature to make sure that our more moderate beliefs are represented. We knew we must expand into a larger group in order to pool enough money to make an impact. In 2022, with a Republican super-majority and politically gerrymandered districts, we expanded our efforts to support candidates running for municipal office because of the ability to move the needle at the local level and build the bench of candidates for higher office
Our Mission
The purpose of Utah Women & Politics is to raise money to provide financial support to viable candidates of either party who are running for municipal office or the Utah State Legislature. We have chosen to solicit funds exclusively from individual donors. Our focus is on districts that could swing to a more moderate candidate. We are seeking candidates who:
demonstrate electability
provide diverse perspectives
share moderate political views in line with their districts
While the PAC has no gender requirements for candidates, it seeks to achieve a balanced and diverse legislature.
We are unique because the Utah Women & Politics PAC was founded entirely by Utah women. Our focus is on funding electable candidates. We partner and work with other local and national groups focused on research, advocacy, policy development, voter registration and candidate in-kind support.
The purpose of our PAC is to fundraise, and support the candidates in flippable districts. We have two levels of membership:
Sustaining Member: Sustaining members are asked to donate a minimum of $1,000 per year.
General members: Are asked to contribute an amount that is meaningful to you
We encourage each member to donate as much as he/she is willing.
To determine which candidates to support, the PAC examines each district’s data and decides which have the most potential for change. We require candidates to submit an application and interview in-person with members of our vetting committee. The vetting committee ranks and recommends candidates for financial support based on criteria developed by the PAC. The selected candidates meet with members to explain their positions, and final funding decisions are made by the Leadership Committee.
All funded candidates are required to report on how the funds received were used before asking for additional support. and what the next draw will finance in their campaigns.
While our primary purpose is fundraising, members have other opportunities to engage with and support candidates:
Candidate liaisons for each candidate maintain a relationship with their candidate’s campaign. They communicate opportunities for members to help through volunteer efforts - making phone calls, writing letters, developing campaign materials, hosting/securing fundraising events, canvassing, etc. Members are invited to participate as time and interest permit.
The PAC Leadership Committee is made up of no more than 12 individuals, seven of whom have made an annual contribution that is meaningful to them (most donate a minimum of $500) to the PAC and/or are “founding members” (this may change over time).
These may be individuals with access to special communities, affiliate groups and/or networks and/or demographics. While we do not require these members to donate personally at the $1,000 (sustainer) level, we expect all members of the Leadership Committee to support the PAC’s efforts to raise money through donations and/or special events or in-kind time/talent contributions
The Leadership Committee will recommend the individuals to serve on the leadership team, and they will be confirmed by the PAC membership.
If you are interested in serving on the Leadership Committee please complete this form.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”